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The Official Home Of The Central Methodist University Eagles
Sat, Feb/22 Final
5 Central Methodist (MO)
9 at LSU Shreveport
Sun, Feb/23 Final
21 Oklahoma City
13 vs Central Methodist (MO)
Sun, Feb/23 Cancelled
Central Methodist (MO)
at LSU Shreveport
Sun, Feb/23 Final
Men's Basketball
78 Oakland City University
69 vs Central Methodist (MO) Black
Sun, Feb/23 Final - 5 innings
11 Central Methodist (MO)
0 vs Avila
Mon, Feb/24 Final
3 Central Methodist (MO)
6 at Avila
Mon, Feb/24 Final
5 Missouri Valley
1 vs Central Methodist (MO)
Wed, Feb/26 Final
Men's Basketball
75 Central Methodist (MO)
78 at Graceland



On behalf of the physicians, athletic trainers, administrators, and staff in our Athletic Training Department, we want to thank you for entrusting the health and well-being of your son or daughter to us.
The Central Methodist University Athletic Training Department recently acquired an electronic medical record program through Vivature called NEXTT.  The NEXTT program will allow us to track injuries, generate reports, and increase our staff’s ability to care for your student-athlete quickly and efficiently.
NEXTT also provides the Central Methodist University Athletic Training Department another function--medical billing for the services provided to our student-athletes in the athletic training room.  In order to offset the rising healthcare costs, Central Methodist University Athletic Training will begin billing primary insurance carriers for physician-prescribed services rendered in our facilities.  This will facilitate a continuation of improving healthcare services without putting the financial burden on you or your student-athlete. 
Please note that NO DIRECT EXTRA COST will be assessed to our student-athletes for services provided within our facilities.  In essence, we are only collecting money that the primary insurance would normally pay to a medical provider for services rendered.  As a result, this will help supplement our athletics budget and allow the Central Methodist University Athletic Training Department to provide better support for student-athletes, therefore improving the student-athlete experience.
Similar to previous years, any medical bills that result from services provided outside of the Central Methodist University Athletic Training Room will be the responsibility of the student-athlete.  This includes, but is not limited to, surgical procedures, dental visits, non-athletic related injuries/illness, etc.  Here are a few things you may experience regarding your insurance:
You may receive an Explanation of Benefits (EOB) from your insurance company for services provided by the Central Methodist University Athletic Training Department.  THIS IS NOT A BILL.  Please send the EOB to Paden Kleinhesselink.
You may see your deductible erode, as the services we charge for will cover some of your deductibles.  

We are taking every consideration we can while implementing this new system; however, if any unforeseen issues arise or you have any concerns, we will be more than willing to address them immediately. Please do not hesitate to contact our office at the email address or phone number listed below.
Again, thank you for entrusting your student-athlete’s health and safety to our care.  We look forward to this opportunity to provide even greater support and enhance each student-athlete’s experience at Central Methodist University!

Registration Information

  • In order to be medically cleared to participate in any athletic event, ALL student-athletes must log into the system and complete/update the necessary information.  Compliance with this protocol is mandatory, and completing the process ahead of time will expedite your on-campus medical check process.
  • You will be provided with a User ID and Password through your school email account.  Your User ID will be your permanent ID, but your password is temporary. You will be asked to change the password once you log in. If you should ever forget your password, please contact the Athletic Training Staff.